Inroducing a unique scoring for movies, WoodsDeck Score
What does WoodsDeck Score mean and how do we use it to rate a movie?
WoodsDeck Score denotes the overall score given for a film and unlike other rating methods, we@WoodsDeck estimate it from the average of three components:
1. User reviews
2. Critic reviews
3. Crowd Sentiment
So do not worry about the ratings of your favourite movie given here. There are the unprejudiced opinions of what we have analysed from over an average 1 lakh audiences varying from users to critics. Checkout the WoodsDeck Score page for Tamil movie Kadhalum Kadandhu Pogum below.
How is the WoodsDeck Score calculated ?
Let us walk you through the backstage operations done here. We present you before the breakdown elements that decide the final scoring.
1) User reviews:
Reviews and rating by WoodsDeck users, that is what you and I give for a film. It may be a low or high depending upon our views. Someone of us may like the film very much and give 10 upon 10 but someone else may find it worth only 5 upon 10. There is a normalization done at this stage to prevent biasing of the score towards a particular group of audience.
2) Critic Reviews:
Reviews by popular critics and film trade analysts’ opinions differ on their critical analysis of each & every scene from the film and interpretation from them. Some movies may have an intense story and requires a behind the screen understanding. Critics are good at them and offer unbiased views about it.
3) Crowd Sentiment:
Sentiment of the tweets analysed and average of positive, negative and neutral tweets about the movie are calculated. Thanks to the growing trend of tweeting that we could use it positively for our purpose. Every day, in an average there are about 20,000 hashtags running around about a recently released film. They may also be of differing in nature, positive, negative or even neutral opinions.
Our task is to analyse the sentiment of all of them and take the average of it and use here.
What are unique features distinguished in WoodsDeck Score ?
1. Mix of both critic & user reviews
There is a balancing of user’s as well as critic’s ratings done by us. If we take the IMDb for discussion, they use a weighted average rating depending on only the user’s votes. The Metascore from Metacritic also calculates the rating based on the weight given to some critics, say 50 who give quality reviews and then normalize them. While assigning weights to the scores may lead to clustering of the views, we take the factor called as Crowd Sentiment.
2. Significance given to Crowd Sentiment element
It is not few person’s opinion but a mass crowd’s perception and reception of the films. There may be as many as 100000 - 1000000 tweets to be considered before going for the scoring of this factor !
So how WoodsDeck Score is effective ?
The WoodsDeck Score is a purely scrupulous rating of your favorite movies and others. Even the very same day of the release of the film, you get to know its response from the audience through WoodsDeck Score.
It’s just a single swipe in the WoodsDeck website or App( that it takes to look at the rating. So do not get to miss this feature exclusively made for you and start using it right away at
WoodsDeck Score denotes the overall score given for a film and unlike other rating methods, we@WoodsDeck estimate it from the average of three components:
1. User reviews
2. Critic reviews
3. Crowd Sentiment
So do not worry about the ratings of your favourite movie given here. There are the unprejudiced opinions of what we have analysed from over an average 1 lakh audiences varying from users to critics. Checkout the WoodsDeck Score page for Tamil movie Kadhalum Kadandhu Pogum below.
Let us walk you through the backstage operations done here. We present you before the breakdown elements that decide the final scoring.
1) User reviews:
Reviews and rating by WoodsDeck users, that is what you and I give for a film. It may be a low or high depending upon our views. Someone of us may like the film very much and give 10 upon 10 but someone else may find it worth only 5 upon 10. There is a normalization done at this stage to prevent biasing of the score towards a particular group of audience.
2) Critic Reviews:
Reviews by popular critics and film trade analysts’ opinions differ on their critical analysis of each & every scene from the film and interpretation from them. Some movies may have an intense story and requires a behind the screen understanding. Critics are good at them and offer unbiased views about it.
3) Crowd Sentiment:
Sentiment of the tweets analysed and average of positive, negative and neutral tweets about the movie are calculated. Thanks to the growing trend of tweeting that we could use it positively for our purpose. Every day, in an average there are about 20,000 hashtags running around about a recently released film. They may also be of differing in nature, positive, negative or even neutral opinions.
Our task is to analyse the sentiment of all of them and take the average of it and use here.
What are unique features distinguished in WoodsDeck Score ?
1. Mix of both critic & user reviews
There is a balancing of user’s as well as critic’s ratings done by us. If we take the IMDb for discussion, they use a weighted average rating depending on only the user’s votes. The Metascore from Metacritic also calculates the rating based on the weight given to some critics, say 50 who give quality reviews and then normalize them. While assigning weights to the scores may lead to clustering of the views, we take the factor called as Crowd Sentiment.
2. Significance given to Crowd Sentiment element
It is not few person’s opinion but a mass crowd’s perception and reception of the films. There may be as many as 100000 - 1000000 tweets to be considered before going for the scoring of this factor !
So how WoodsDeck Score is effective ?
The WoodsDeck Score is a purely scrupulous rating of your favorite movies and others. Even the very same day of the release of the film, you get to know its response from the audience through WoodsDeck Score.
It’s just a single swipe in the WoodsDeck website or App( that it takes to look at the rating. So do not get to miss this feature exclusively made for you and start using it right away at